Malasimbo 2015
First weekend: Music and Arts Festival
Second weekend: Lights and Dance Festival
See below for their line-up:
Above is an actual photo I have taken when I attended the Malasimbo Music Festival last Saturday night.
I had a 3-day pass but I was only able to attend 1 day. I won these babies through contest since they also facilitated a part of their performers...
For the first time to attend the Malasimbo Festival, I can say that the ambiance and the experience is very pleasing. The people there were all in a good mood, there were zero fights. The food was good... I've seen people I haven't seen in a decade or so... it was a fun night, despite the pricey food and drinks...
You had a wristband that was given to you by the entrance when submitting you tickets...
You use that to reload and pay for the establishments. It was very well organized and there were a lot of people... I was not very happy though regarding the performances maybe it was too hippie for me. I really enjoyed the reggae performance though (I guess it was worth the wait.)
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